Saturday, October 28, 2023

Early Frost SOLD at CAAC show

 Enjoying some new colors in acrylics. also am using the palette knife a little on this one.  Idea was to add trees with orange leaves but when i did the distance trees, it reminded me of frost.  Struggled with the foreground wanting it to look like "new" snow..  oh well,  yes, it snowed here yesterday..    

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Holiday Balls 4 (One sold to my new neighbor.. )

4 5"x7" acrylic paintings with Christmas theme to display in the gift shop area at G4.  I spent a lot of hours on these.  I'm not one to paint little stuff, then again, i'm not one to paint big stuff.  Gee Whiz..  

Saturday, October 14, 2023

'Pie for 2' #3 of my pastry series sold

 I'm not one who paints "series" works.  altho i have painted a lot of shoes, barns, folks, vehicles, chairs, birds, windows, doors, frogs, yada, yada, yada.   Theme for Nov at G4  is Bon Appetit so i may hang all 3.    Pie for 2 sold at G4

Monday, October 2, 2023

Yard Lights: 1954

1-3-24  today I painted over that stupid road..  painting snow is kinda fun.  
8-'24   since i'm in the "fix old paintings" mood, i just had to add a moon plus a bit of more shadowing.  Chgd title to plural lighting.  Oh ya. 

Wow  a trip down memory lane. This image was painted straight from my memory bank.  When boyfriend, Carl, (later, husband) and I would sit in the car "probably necking" a little, the yard light would come on. There were no sensors or automatic lights at that time. Just watchful Parents. 
 In fact, we didn't have electricity 'til the '50s.