Thursday, December 28, 2023

Dating: Then and Now

12-24-24 .. I filled in the background on this. It helped a little. unsure of adding anything else to tell the story.  

I so enjoy painting this sort of work..   The "then" couple are my parents ( i used an old B&W photo of them for reference) going on a date.  The young "now" couple is from a sketch i did in my sketch book, thinking of a couple i saw on the street corner. I drew them too far apart to make it real (he had his hand on her buttocks, of course)  

 This is done in watercolor. Yes,  Pink Boots.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"4 Windows, 1 view"

10-24-24..  I took a new photo to include the 55 year old frame. It will have a special hanging spot at G4 for the month of November.  

This 28"x 22" painting took alot of hours.  I used a photo i took at the Oregon coast several years ago as reference. The canvas is almost as big as my drawing table and i am beginning to understand abstract better, 'cause it would have been ahellofa lot easier.  of course i used my beloved small brushes and my favorite colors.