Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Salsa and Friends

What happens when i get bored.  I looked thru some old sketch books, found a little watercolor I did at Mexican Village years ago. and i redid it in Acrylic.  Of course my canvas was already painted cobalt.  ANYWAY, i spent most of the time painting the  nacho chips. They looked like tater tots and I couldn't have that. .. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Green House Over There

 This is a 8x8 acrylic that i painted one afternoon, as i was waiting for out of town company.  I just looked out my studio window and painted the window across the street and the door is from another neighbor's house.  I had fun playing with the greens, and the rocks..  

Friday, July 19, 2024

my favorites

These three kinda newish paintings look like they all came from the same palette of colors.. guess what!  They did-- my favorite pigments. life is good..